Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Dreaded Reflux & Colic

At 2 weeks old, Mommy was convinced Bella was such an easy baby. She slept all day was chill and hardly cried. She turned a corner at week 3, Bella cried anytime she was awake. Her diaper was changed, she was fed and swaddled and warm, but nothing Mommy or Daddy tried would keep her from crying. Daddy had noticed Bella was turning red in the face and seemed to want to push something out. He suspected she had bad gas that was painful. She was spitting up after feedings if she wasn't held upright. Mommy emailed Dr. Mason and asked if Bella had colic and possibly acid reflux. Dr. Mason told Mommy to bring Bella in to get checked out.

At the doctor's office, the nurse laughed when it was time to measure Bella. She said Bella knew the drill and laid straight like a soldier in order to get an accurate measurement.

Bella probably can't see herself yet, but she turned her head towards the mirror. Bella's weight at this visit was 8 pounds and 9 ounces. She is a little piggy. She nurses every 2 hours during the day and night.  After talking to Dr. Mason, he prescribed baby zantac to help with her tummy and will see if it helped at her 2 month check-up. In terms of her crying, he said it is a little early to diagnose if she has colic, but some babies just tend to cry no matter what you do. He says he knows it might seem like I want to rip my hair out with the constant crying, but it will pass.  At least we know this girl has a good set of lungs!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Future Besties

Natalie and Bella are 10 days apart. It will be fun to see them grow up and play together. Nat is 2 weeks old and Bella is going to be 4 weeks soon.

Their older sisters, Court and K are 2 months apart. The girls were probably less than a month old year in this pic.

Look at the two now! How big they have grown. Where has the time gone?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

K decorated valentine cards for her fellow classmates in the room next door.

They also painted boxes to make a mailbox to put the cards in.

K made a special V-day card for Mommy and Daddy.

It included a sweet message.

Daddy picked up fresh crab for dinner. He cooked it with butter and garlic. It was very delicious!

He brought home cupcakes for dessert too.

K was overjoyed when she saw the pink box. She knew right away what was inside.

The two sisters share a moment of love. K wanted to hold Bella's hand and whispered "I love you baby sister!" in her ear!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Newborn Photo Shoot

Bella had a photo shoot at the hospital.

And these are the pictures taken by Jessie.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Huge Thank You!!

Thank you to all the aunties, uncles, family members and friends that came to visit Bella at the hospital and at home. She feels truly blessed to be surrounded by so much love and can't wait to get to know each one of you! In addition thanks for all the generous gifts and meals!

Uncle Derek & Great Grandma

Uncle Richard & Auntie Daisy

Auntie Esther & Uncle Al

Uncle Ken. Auntie Becca was in the waiting room with Mase.

Auntie Suzy

Auntie Ali and Coco

Uncle Peter

Uncle Rob

Po Po & Gung Gung

Auntie Marge, Uncle Thien and Lucas

Auntie Lilian

Grandma, Auntie Caroline, Uncle Vu and Aiden

Auntie Melissa & Auntie Marlene

Uncle Justin & Noah

 Auntie Keo

 Auntie Lauren & Charlie

Uncle Larry

Auntie Annie & Ashley

Auntie Janene, Auntie Geneva & Auntie Mithi

Auntie Diane & Uncle Mancheuk

Auntie Stef

Uncle Gavin & Auntie Ann

Auntie Mai & Uncle Brian

Everyone has been so generous with K. She has received many big sister gifts. A big thank you from her as well!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

2 Week Check-Up

At Bella's 2 week appointment, Bella gained a pound from her last visit.
She weighs 7 pounds and 10.5 ounces.
Her head circumference is 13.5 inches.
She is 21.25 inches long.

Bella has been eating every 1.5 hours during the day and night the last couple of days. Mommy is pretty tired especially at the wee hours of the night. Dr. Mason said Bella is going through her two week growth spurt and should be able to last longer through feedings soon.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Just Another Week

In honor of Superbowl, the different classrooms had a contest to see which class had the most sports spirit. Each child was asked to dress in some sports team and the classroom with the most participants won a dessert party. K wore her Giants t-shirt to support her class.

K has been very helpful. Whenever Bella cries, she is at her side trying to calm her down by patting her.

K was so excited to wear her rain gear. She wanted to show her teachers her Hello Kitty umbrella.

The next day she wanted to wear her rain boots and splash in the puddles.

On Saturday, K celebrated Tyler's 2nd birthday. His cake was decorated with a mustache and tie.

On Sunday, K met Natalie for the first time. When K got home she told Mommy, "Natalie is so cute!"

Bella's umbilical cord fell off, so she got to take her first bath. She enjoyed and found it relaxing.