Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Turkey Trot

K's classroom has been preparing for their turkey trot. They made turkey hats. The teachers asked K what she was thankful for. She replied, "My family! Daddy, Mommy and Bella." But she also said Princesses!

They also made colorful turkey feathers.

Here's a short clip of them on their trot.

K continues to love puzzles. Teacher R told Mommy K can build a 48 piece puzzle all by herself. Charlie and K built this castle puzzle together.

Wednesdays is music class. Mommy was able to stay for part of the class and took this video of the children playing on the drums.

Before heading to daycare and school, Bella and K sat together for breakfast and snack. Mommy can't believe how fast Bella is growing up!

 K wanted some love too and climbed on Daddy's back.

Last week Mommy met Kalina for the first time. She was 10 days old. She was such a sweet baby. She slept in Mommy's arms for most of the vist.

A late post from Uncle Derek's birthday celebration. Always a good time with Uncle Derek!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Afternoon at the Academy

Sunday, the girls went to the Academy of Sciences.  They seem to like the Early Explorer's Cove more than the aquarium. Bella rode the teetering toy.

She is becoming a fast crawler and had fun crawling underneath the tree house.  She was trying to keep up with the big kids.
K wanted to put on a puppet show.  She pretended she was Flounder from the Little Mermaid.

Following the aquarium was dinner at Aunt Diane's house.  We had an early Thanksgiving celebration. Po Po was in charge of carving the turkey.

Bella has been standing when she wakes up in the morning.  She waits patiently for someone to greet and come get her.   She is such a happy baby and always smiling!  Maybe it's time once again to lower her crib.

Bella doesn't like to be left alone in the exersaucer, so K was such a great sister. She pulled up a chair and kept her sister company.

K always wants to wear dresses even though the weather has been quite chilly. The compromise was to wear long sleeves and pants with her dress.  She has become such the girly girl and very much into princesses.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Socks Again!

K's winter school picture. She is getting to be such a big girl.

Parents bring the outfits and shoes for their kids to change into for the school picture.  This is the second time, the teachers left her socks on.  Next time she will not be wearing socks to school.  At least this time the socks blend in better than last picture.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Hanging with Family & Friends

Bella finally got a chance to do her hand and footprints.  She didn't seem to mind the clay.

K is really into puzzles.  She can complete a 24 piece all by herself.

Dinner last weekend was spent with Auntie Betty, Uncle Dave and Mason's family.  Bella is a happy go lucky girl at restaurants as long as she has food in front of her.  She loves to pick up small pieces of cheese and stuff it in her mouth.

Mason shared his toys and trucks during dinner time.

Today, the girls met up with Aiden at Happy Hollow.  It was Bella's first time on Danny the Dragon ride. She sat with Mommy and Daddy.

K sat with Aiden right behind the driver. 

Bella visited K's classroom on Friday.  K was so excited to introduce her teachers and friends to her baby sister.  Bella is still on the wait list and will most likely get in next year.

Bella's loves to take baths and especially splash the water around.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


On Halloween Day, Bella had her 9 month check-up. We were not sure what Dr. Mason dressed up as, but Bella posed for a picture with him.

Her stats for this check-up:
Head circumference :17 cm (50% percentile)
Weight: 17 pounds and 8 oz (37% percentile)
Height: 28 inches (80% percentile)
She is slightly low in iron.  The normal is 11 and she tested at 10.2  She just needs to eat more iron enriched food.  No vaccines at this visit.  Bella got a heel prick and a flu shot.  Surprisingly no crying when she got poked.  She has to go back in a month to get her second flu shot.

K dressed up in last year's princess costume during the day at school.

In the evening, she wore her beloved Elsa costume.

Bella was a ladybug.
K asked Daddy if he would dress up in a costume too.  Daddy purchased a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle at the last minute.

Bella and K both went trick-or treating.  Some of the neighbors were really friendly and held out the bowl of candy and had Bella pick out her own piece of candy.

 K got a kick out of passing out candy even more than going trick-or treating.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Who's, Who?

Can you tell which ladybug is Katelyn and which is Bella?