Tuesday, December 30, 2014

11 Months, Already!

Mommy can't believe Bella will turn one next month!  How is she is 11 months already? It went by incredibly fast!

A few pics from this month's shoot since Bella was cooperative.

This month's milestones include:
Waving hi and bye
Can give high-fives
Saying "Uh Oh!" when something drops
Saying"mmm" when something tastes good which is often since she is a little piggy
Saying "Ahhh" after a drink of water

Mommy can already see the special bond between K and Bella.  K loves to make her sister laugh.  In this video, K makes some funny sounds and Bella thinks its hysterical.  K will always watch over her little sister.  When Bella is crying in her car seat, K will give her a toy in hopes to make her feel better.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas!

For Christmas Eve dinner, Mommy was making a salad.  K asked if she could help, so she had her own chopping board and plastic knife to cut the lettuce for her own special bowl.

Daddy's family came over for dinner.  Daddy cooked crab, shaking beef and salmon.

Grandma was really happy to spend time with K.

Even though K is scared of Santa up close, she has been asking about him.  Mommy started a tradition with K.  K put out 5 cookies on Santa's plate.  She said, "he will be very hungry!" Mommy helped write him a note and K promised to sleep a long time while Santa comes down the chimney during the night. 

The next morning, K woke up and was so excited to see Santa had come.  He had left some presents in her stocking.

Bella got gifts from Santa too!

The next hour was spent opening gifts.

Bella had fun taking off the bows and tearing paper.

Christmas dinner was at Po Po and Gung Gung's house.  All the relatives gathered on the staircase to take the annual family picture.  We were missing a few this year due to vacations.

Daddy and Mommy got some tasty snacks and a bottle of wine. Bella would not let it go!

Always a good time at Po Po and Gung Gung's house.

Mommy and her girls.

This was Aunt Suzy's third attempt of capturing a kid picture. Funny enough- this turned out to be the best one.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Meeting Santa For The First Time

On Friday, Bella met Santa for the first time.  She was okay sitting on Santa's lap, but she was not amused.  K on the other hand, griped on tight to Mommy and wouldn't let go when Mommy tried to put her on Santa's lap.  K screamed, "No, I don't want! I don't want to!"  Guess no sibling picture with Santa this year!

On Saturday, Uncle Brian and Auntie Mai invited us and Courtney's family over for a crab feast.  Daddy and Uncle Peter decided to do a kid swap.

Nat and Bella were happy to see each other.  Nat was so sweet and would lean her head in to give Bella a kiss. 

Bella enjoyed being pushed on the airplane.  Daddy propped her legs up.

K took her sister for a spin on the BMV.

The night ended with a group photo with Adam and his lady friends. The older sisters held on tight to their baby sister, so they wouldn't fall off the couch.  Thanks for having us over Auntie Mai and Uncle Brian and for the delicious dinner!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Science Lab Grand Opening

K's school transformed one of their classrooms into a Science lab.  The teachers took trips to different scientific places to get ideas for the lab.  They ended up modeling a good portion of their lab after the Academy of Sciences.  Last week was the grand opening. Parents were invited to see their kids explore science.

K examined the hermit crab and was wondering where his head was inside the shell.

She looked at a preserved plants and insects.

She tried to fill a flask like a scientist.

Bella's camera for her monitor sits on the rail of her crib.  Now that she can stand, she likes to get up close and personal to the camera.  A few times she has knocked the camera over.  Maybe it's time to think about mounting the camera instead.

Last week, Auntie Diane invited the girls over to make gingerbread mans.  Bella observed while K had fun decorating.

This was the final product.  She went a little crazy with the gummy bears.

Later that evening, Uncle Ryan invited us over for hot pot.  Frozen was playing, so the the kiddies requested "Let It Go."  They must have sang the whole song at least 6 times!

Mommy was hoping over time, Bella would not hate the car seat. No such luck! She knows when she is about to go in.  She will arch her body, kick and cry.  Sorry baby girl, if you want to go anywhere, you have to sit in the car seat.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

10 Months!

This month's photo shoot, Bella was only able to sit still for no more than five seconds. Daddy had to take the pic fast. This little dare devil almost dove right off the couch.

She would much rather crawl on the floor.  She's pretty fast these days.

Or she prefers to pull herself up.

She is happy as can be standing.

Milestones for this month:
Only eats table food. She closes her mouth for pureed foods.
Waves and claps on command.
Cruises from one end of the couch to the other.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Growing Up!

Sundays, Daddy takes K to swimming class which means quality time for Mommy and Bella. Bella has been going with Mommy to run errands with stops at the grocery store. Bella likes to touch everything and reach for things when Mommy parks the shopping cart. Mommy kept her occupied instead by giving her this crinkly bag.

Bella is quite the little piggy. She will stuff her face with food during dinner time. She doesn't look at what she picks up and shoves it in her mouth. Her favorite food so far is tofu.

She will grab anything and try to eat it and put it in her mouth like this pomelo which is similar to a grapefruit.

She finds it quite amusing trying to bite into the fruit.

The girls had dinner at Tao Po's house over the weekend. Daddy cooked crab and garlic noodles.

Bella is cruising more and more each day. She has been able to stand up hands free for a few seconds. Mommy is not looking forwarding to her being mobile. It just means Bella is growing up way too fast!

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Bella was sick on Thanksgiving Day. She had a fever and needed extra cuddles and hugs. Poor baby had to stay home on her first Thanksgiving.

Daddy stayed home with Bella while Mommy and K went to Auntie Shirley and Uncle Rob's house for lunch. McKenna made bracelets for Courtney and K. The girls picked out the colored rubber bands they wanted. Both girls picked pink and purple.

Dinner time was at Daddy's extended family. K met some new friends.

Sunday was Tristan's 4th birthday party at Peekaboo Factory.

Auntie Lauren made capes for all the party attendees. K wanted to wear her cape to show her friends. She said she was Super Princess Elsa.

Bella got in the spirit while Daddy flew her around the house.  Where does Auntie Lauren find the time to be so creative?

Sunday Po Po and Gung Gung returned from Hong Kong.  Bella was back to her normal happy self and celebrated at Aunt Lety and Uncle Albert's house.

Bella and K braved the crowds of Costco over the weekend by sitting in the shopping cart together.

K decorated the bottom half of the Christmas tree all by herself. Bella sat and observed.

Rain never puts a damper on K's mood. She loves to dress up in her rain boots, rain coat and hold her umbrella.

Say Cheese, Bella!