Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Updates Here and There

Bella is the complete opposite of Katelyn when it comes to wearing her jacket.  Katelyn refused wearing her jacket when she was younger.  Her teachers would put the jacket on backwards and the zipper would be on the back, so Katelyn would not be able to take it off.  With Bella she HAS to wear her jacket and hat.  Once she leaves the car, she yells, "My jacket!" and screams "My hat!" She won't walk unless both are on.  She is obsessed with wearing both even in warm weather as shown in pictures below.  Mommy has two very extreme girls!

The funny thing is Bella wants to put the hat on herself and it ends up crooked or lop sided.

She is also infatuated with her sunglasses.

Katelyn brought her sunglasses to school as well and took a selfie with Teacher E.

Last weekend, Bella got a haircut.  Mommy wanted to cut the back, so it would grow more evenly.  Bella would not on the chair by herself.  Mommy read her a book and she watched Madagascar in between.

Here's her new hair style.  It's like a mini bob.  Bella was so happy to get a lollipop afterward.

For dinner, Auntie Caroline invited the girls to try a new pizza joint.  The cousins hung out and had ice-cream for dessert.

With Easter around the corner, Bella tried on some ears at Target and would not take them off.  Luckily it was in the dollar section and worth buying.  See how she needs to wear her hat everywhere! 

When Mommy picked up Katelyn in the yard, she was hanging out in the play structure with her class mates.

They wanted to take a silly picture next.

Mommy met baby Ellie.  She slept the entire time and was such an angel.  Mommy held her for a good hour and got baby fever, but then she remembered her two crazy girls at home and decided she has plenty to love and take care of!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Big Girl Status

Last week Bella officially transitioned out of the infant/toddler room and moved into the younger preschool classroom.  It was bittersweet.  All the teachers in the Squirrels classroom were so amazing.  They were so loving and cared for Bella as if she was their own.  We will miss each of them! Teacher N was on break when we were taking pictures.

This is Bella's new primary, Teacher M.  This transition went much smoother than when Katelyn transitioned at age 2.  Bella jumped right in and was definitely less clingy.  Bella handles change and adjusts a little better than her older sister.

Here's another one of her teachers, Teacher C.  The ratio is now different with her new classroom.  There are 3 teachers instead of 5 and definitely more kids.

Bella was most excited about the small sinks and tearing out the paper towel.  Her new classroom will help her with potty training.  She will sit on the potty every time she gets a diaper change to get her used to being on a toilet.  She's becoming such a big girl!

The girls love going to gym parties!  Last week the girls celebrated Aidan's birthday.  At this gym, Katelyn sat on a rope and swung back and forth.

Bella swung with Daddy's help.  Please excuse the blurriness and black and white pictures.  It was set on the black and white setting and Mommy could not change back to color in time to capture the moment.

Katelyn had fun diving into the foam pit.

The birthday boy smiled for the camera.

 Bella took a little break and wanted to hold Sam's hand.

Mommy and Auntie Becca got to sit and chat while the bigger kids played.

Christian, Josh, Auntie Suzy, Uncle Wil and Ayumi joined the girls for lunch the next day.  Katelyn was not particularly happy in this photo since she was hungry.

After some food in her tummy, she was in a much better mood.  It was pouring rain when it was time to leave the restaurant.  Good thing all the girls had rain jackets!

In the evening, Auntie Lilian invited us over for Chinese take out.  She was so thoughtful to get a birthday cake for Mommy and Daddy's birthday.

The kids were entertained with coloring the Paw Patrol pups.  What a busy weekend!  The girls loved spending it with good friends and family!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Sisterly Love

Mommy had a work offsite the day of her birthday and a work dinner.  Daddy bought a cake to celebrate the next day.  Can you tell by Bella's expression how much she loves cake?

Daddy and Mommy went out to dinner at State Bird Provisions.  It just so happened there was Date Night offered at the girls' school on Daddy's birthday.  The sisters stayed after normal schools hours.  Katelyn went on a flashlight walk around the center with her friends and Bella had a dance party.

Courtney had a gym party for her 5th birthday.  Katelyn loved to swing and hang upside down from the bars.  Her daily play on the monkey bars at school has paid off.

The highlight of the gym was when all the kids ran across this big inflatable. 

Courtney showed off her tongue from the blue icing.  She's an Elsa fan and had a Frozen themed party.  We can't believe she is 5 years old already!

Teacher Hind is a yoga enthusiast and taught the children yoga poses.  Bella learned how to do the tree pose.  Teacher Hind said Bella was the most into yoga among all the kids.

It's a long commute to school.  To pass the time, Katelyn borrowed books with CDs from the library to listen to and follow along in the car.

Katelyn wanted to be Mommy's helper at Trader Joe's by pushing and filling her own shopping cart.  Of course anything jei jei does, Bella wants to do.  Let's just say we spent a lot of time at the store that day.

Mommy loves watching the girls play together.  Here they were having a picnic and playing family.  Katelyn is usually the mom and Bella is the baby.  Katelyn was telling Bella how full she was after eating birthday cake.

More family play, Katelyn was reading a bedtime story to her baby, Bella before putting her to sleep.

The girls like to pretend to ride a train.  Katelyn pretended to drop Bella at school and always tells her to have a nice day.

This time they pretended they were in a boat. They had a pizza lunch and looked at books together.

It's so sweet how much they love each other when they are not at each others' throats!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Daddy Daycare

Mommy was sick with the flu last week.  Daddy took the girls to Happy Hallow, so Mommy could rest.  When the girls were there, they ran into Aidan and Alison.  Uncle Sherman was so happy to see Daddy since he was watching the kids on his own as well.  I think Daddy was more happy to to see Uncle Sherman.

Katelyn went on the frog hopper ride for the first time.  She thought it was really fun.

Daddy said Aiden kept trying to hug Bella.  Mommy was surprised to see the picture of Bella sitting next to Aidan on the ladybug ride.  Bella can be unfriendly and particular at times.

Mason showed up at the park later in the afternoon.  Auntie Becca texted Mommy this picture with the caption "Daddy daycare!"

The kids had a great time together!  It worked out Daddy got some help since the girls can be a handful!

For dinner, the girls celebrated Auntie Michelle's birthday.  Auntie Diane put the girls to work to set the table and decorate cupcakes for dessert.  Katelyn and Bella put chocolate chips and cranberries in the cupcake batter.  Mommy is so thankful Daddy took the girls out for 10 hours, so she could recover. 

The next day, the girls went to see the Frozen Disney on Ice show with Ashley.  Katelyn sang along to all the songs.

Bella sat through the whole show.  She took a walk during intermission.  She gave a standing ovation when the show was over.

Bella ran up to Steph Curry after the show and said, cheese.

Po Po and Gung Gung celebrated Daddy and Mommy's birthday early with cake.

Lolita asked Mommy to drop by after work.  She made arroz con leche (Spanish rice pudding).  Lolita remembered how much Bella loved eating it and made a portion for Bella to bring home.  Bella gave Lolita a big hug when she saw her.