Friday, March 31, 2017

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Last weekend, the sisters celebrated Luke's birthday at Pump it Up.  Daddy was a good sport and went down the slides with the girls.  They had a lot of fun and laughed the whole way down.

Luke loved his Spiderman cake.

The girls had a play date at Mason's house later that evening.  The kids walked across the street for dinner and picked up a smoothie for dessert to share.

The next day, Daddy wanted to have lunch in the city which happened to be close to where Auntie Andrea lives.  Bella was really excited to see Auntie Andrea.  They walked to the park with her and climbed this structure.

The girls wanted to climb this tree stump and do some silly poses.

Bella has been learning to trace the letters of her name at school.  Each morning she has to sign in by tracing the letters then trying to write them.

In fitness class, the next six weeks the kids will be playing volleyball.  The kids are learning how to bump, set and spike.

Bella is pretty fearless.  Daddy captured this video of her climbing the ropes at the big playground at Happy Hallow.  She didn't want any help and even climbed with her stuffed elephant in one hand.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Katelyn's homework was to design a leprechaun trap to see if her class could trap a leprechaun in the classroom.  With Daddy's help, she created a ladder for the leprechaun to climb up.  She wanted to lure the leprechaun by hanging gold coins from a tree and of course, leprechauns love rainbows to find the pot of gold.

On St. Patrick's Day, Mommy joined in the excitement with the kids to see if the leprechaun was trapped. All the kids looked in their traps to see if they captured him.  The leprechaun left the kids green necklaces.

He also wrote a note to the class.  There was evidence the leprechaun was there since there was green pee in the toilet and tiny green footprints outside the classroom.

The girls had dinner at Santana Row with Aiden's family.  There was an outdoor area that the kids played at after dinner.

Bella enjoyed some strawberry ice-cream for dessert while taking a selfie with Mommy.

It's been a while since we have been to Chinatown.  Daddy wanted to try a new restaurant called, China Live, but it was over an hour wait.  On the way to the restaurant, the girls ran into Daddy's high school friend, Leigh-Anne and her daughter, Ellie.

Mommy wanted dan-tats from Golden Gate bakery.  The egg custards were piping hot, straight from the oven and Bella loved them.

Katelyn has been practicing to ride a bike.  She was determined to do it and didn't give up.  So proud of her!

Friday, March 17, 2017

March Birthdays

March has been a busy month with birthday celebrations including Daddy and Mommy's birthday dinner at a Italian restaurant with cake for dessert.

Ellie celebrated her milestone birthday of turning one.

Katelyn's good friend, Courtney turned 6 and had her party at Pump It Up.

The girls tried to climb as high as they could to put on the flags on the colored velcro.

Another fun party the girls attended was Aiden's pool party. A picture with the birthday boy before everyone changed into their swim gear.

There was a lazy river and Mommy and Katelyn went around many times in the inner tube.

Later Mason and Auntie Becca joined in on the fun.

Bella couldn't get enough of this slide.  She went down it over and over again. She felt invincible with her life vest.

Katelyn and Bella hung out with Uncle Derek and Auntie Gabby at their new place.  They read books together, went to the park and had lunch.

Bella steals Tao Po's heart every time given she is the youngest of the family.

Bella's homework was to send a family pic to hang up for her classroom wall.  Daddy used a selfie stick to capture this moment.

Friday, March 10, 2017

So Much Snow!

Uncle Sherman and Auntie Cindy invited the girls and Mason to Tahoe.  There was so much snow! It was difficult to make it up this path to the driveway of the cabin.

The kids played well together and colored after dinner.

The next day, Bella and Mason stayed at the cabin.  Bella attempted to make a snowman.  The snow was a little too soft and fluffy.

She gave up and decided to put her hands through the soft snow and dig up the snow with Mason.

The older kids went boarding.  It was Allison and Aidan's first time.  They had a blast and did really well!

 Katelyn sat on the ski lift with Daddy and went down the bunny slopes.

Daddy is the best. He had to sit in traffic and drive up to Tahoe each time.  Katelyn loves being with Daddy!

On the way home from Tahoe, the girls stopped off for some Korean food to celebrate Zach's 21st birthday.  When Bella finished dinner, she requested to sit on Josh's lap.

Everyone say, cheese!

Bella enjoys reading books.  She has memorized some of the Pinkalicious stories and recites it to Daddy.

Katelyn wanted to make the English muffin pizzas that she made at school for Valentine Day's, so the girls spread tomato sauce and sprinkled cheese.   In addition they added some ham.

It's always nice to see Auntie Jill and Millie.  They were up in the Bay Area and hung out to play tea party at Po Po and Gung Gung's house.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

Katelyn is really into adult coloring books these days.  She is proud when she is able to and color everything on the page.  She leaves no white on the page.

At home, Bella lined up her stuff animals and pretended to be their teacher.  She told them to sit criss cross apple sauce and listen quietly when she talked.

Bella is learning about sea animals in her class.  They did an experiment to learn how animals and objects float in the water.

Mommy volunteered in Katelyn's classroom on Valentine's day.  There was a lot of fun activities lined up for the children.  Katelyn played Bingo.  The room mother created a Bingo board with the faces of the kindergartners.

The kids also made mini pizzas out of wheat english muffins, tomato sauce and mozzarella which they baked in the oven.

Katelyn's favorite part of the day was passing out Valentine cards for each of her friends.  Mommy was in charge of this activity to help the children match the name on the card to the correct name on the bag.

Katelyn got a week off for ski week.  The beginning of the week, she stayed with Po Po and Gung Gung.  Ashley was off as well.  The girls took a trip on Bart to San Francisco.  They braved the rain and walked around Downtown and ate lunch.