Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3 Months Old

Time is going by way too fast. Bella turned 3 months on Sunday. Sadly only 1 more month until Mommy goes back to work! During this photo shoot, Bella cried. Not a good idea to take a pic when she was tired and cranky.

After a change of clothes and a nap, Bella was in a much better mood.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Finger Fascination

As Bella is getting older, she is able to lie down on the mat or lie in the pack in play, so Mommy can take a shower or eat her lunch. She can stay there for a good 20 minutes. Bella is most content in the pack and play when she is examining her hands. She is quite fascinated by her fingers. She likes to blow bubbles too.

Mommy is glad she has a break from constantly holding Bella. Bella does well sitting on the little lamb chair while she watches her family eats dinner.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fashion No No

For picture day, parents bring outfits and shoes for the kids to change into, so their clothes will stay fresh and clean. The teachers help the children get dressed before the photo. One of K's teacher apparently did not get the memo to take off socks when wearing sandals. K told Daddy last time the lady had to tickle her with a feather to get her to smile. She said this time she didn't need to be tickled and could smile on her own.

The photographer provided 7 different pictures. At least one of the pictures was cropped of just K's face.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Red Egg & Ginger Parties & Easter Egg Hunt

Jacob is 11 days older than Bella.  His red egg ginger party was two weekends ago. He looked handsome with his tie.

At Jacob's red egg party, it was the first time Bella didn't cry at a restaurant. Typically when we go out to eat she is not happy and starts crying. Aunt Suzy held for awhile too!

Natalie's red egg party was this weekend. Mommy borrowed this picture from Auntie Ali. What a sweet pic of Daddy and his girls! Nat was a good girl during the party and let everyone hold her.

As Mommy mentioned before Daddy built the crib. The crib had belonged to K. When K saw Bella laying in it, she asked to climb in for old times sake.

K loves to help anyway she can when it comes to her little sister. She asked Daddy if she could feed Bella her bottle.

K had an Easter Egg Hunt in her backyard. This year she knew to look for the eggs and open them up to see what was inside.

When she found all the eggs, she asked Mommy if Mommy could hide them again and don't forget to put a special snack inside.

It's almost been a month since Bella last visited her buddy Nat. This time the girls didn't have a crying fest, but the Mommies did have to ergo both girls and walk around the house for them to fall asleep. At this play date the girls, could sit on the couch without their Mommies holding them up, but the girls did lean on each other for support.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Level 1 Completed

K has been working really hard during swimming class to move onto the next level.  In order to pass level 1, she needed to be able to do all of the following things:
  • swim at least 6 feet independently across with fins
  • climb out herself
  • do a back float
  • go from a sit jump to horizontal swim and have proper breath control
Last weekend K completed all the tasks and earned her ribbon! It so happened Po Po came over and watched Bella, so Mommy went with K to swim class. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of K. It took her awhile to be able to climb out herself, but she tried really hard each week. She can now move to level 2 once a spot opens up in the class.  Level 2 means Daddy will no longer go in the pool with her.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Everyday we receive a daily email of what the kids did at school along with pictures. Today was picture day. Here's a preview of the class picture. It's always amusing to try to get kids to take a group photo. It's not an easy task. The end product usually is priceless with eyes closing, thumb sucking and head bumping.

This is another picture we received today. It said the children had fun reading stories together.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Children Celebration Week

Last week at K's school was Children Celebration Week. During the week there was a Science Fair. Her class grew wheat grass for their project.

All the parents were invited to attend. Daddy took pictures while Mommy stayed home with Bella.

K loved having the job of using the spray bottle to water the grass.

Each teacher wrote their favorite things about each child. The quotes about K are quite true! You will rarely see K wear anything other than pink. She has many clothes, but will almost always choose something that is pink for her wardobe. She can talk up a storm. She has become very inquisitive and always ask why! She is very athletic and Daddy predicts she will play sports in school when she is older. He calls K, his tomboy!

K had a homework assignment that asked questions all about her such as her favorite thing to eat or do. After her homework was completed, it was displayed in the school lobby along with her picture.

Over the weekend Auntie Lynn, Uncle Tommy and Mateo came to visit and brought over dim sum for lunch. Mateo is 4 months old and a very good eater.  He weighs 17 pounds!

K continues to love to read books. Once a month, K has a date with Daddy to go to Barnes and Nobles. She gets to pick a new book to bring home.

Bella started to smile a lot these past couple of days.  When she wakes up in the morning, she will flash Mommy a great big smile. It's fun to see her more interactive now.

Daddy built the crib over the weekend. Bella seems to really like it especially the mobile. She will kick her legs in excitement watching it.  Mommy will start training Bella to sleep in her crib for naps in a couple of weeks and hopefully by the time Bella is 3 or 4 months old, she can transition to her own room sleeping in the crib at night. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Quite the Imagination & Various Visits

K is pretty good when it comes to playing independently. She can stay in her room and play with her toys. Last week when Mommy was making dinner downstairs and Daddy was changing Bella's diaper, K called for us to come see what she had made. She took paper and cut out each shape to make a train track.

This is her tunnel for the train to go through or the letter U.

Auntie Mai, Uncle Brian and Adam paid us a visit over the weekend. Adam is walking now and such a good boy.

Auntie Jill and Uncle Mike came for a visit the next day. They shared some exciting news and we can't wait to meet the little one in October! K loved Uncle Mike and had the best time playing with him. They will make such great parents.

Auntie Jill's mom made Bella this quilt.  She is really talented. Mommy cherishes home made gifts! K wanted to put the quilt on her bed. The sisters can share the blanket.

Uncle Mike is pretty creative too. He is a producer for PS3 games. He made a onesie for Bella with big sister's face on Hello Kitty's body. They know K loves Hello Kitty.

Last week Bella went to visit her buddy Nat. The girls played on the mat, but once it came time for the Mommies to eat lunch, their timing was impeccable and began to whine.

Mommy and Auntie decided to let the girls have a cry fest and take a video before picking them up. Aren't we nice?