Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Red Egg & Ginger Parties & Easter Egg Hunt

Jacob is 11 days older than Bella.  His red egg ginger party was two weekends ago. He looked handsome with his tie.

At Jacob's red egg party, it was the first time Bella didn't cry at a restaurant. Typically when we go out to eat she is not happy and starts crying. Aunt Suzy held for awhile too!

Natalie's red egg party was this weekend. Mommy borrowed this picture from Auntie Ali. What a sweet pic of Daddy and his girls! Nat was a good girl during the party and let everyone hold her.

As Mommy mentioned before Daddy built the crib. The crib had belonged to K. When K saw Bella laying in it, she asked to climb in for old times sake.

K loves to help anyway she can when it comes to her little sister. She asked Daddy if she could feed Bella her bottle.

K had an Easter Egg Hunt in her backyard. This year she knew to look for the eggs and open them up to see what was inside.

When she found all the eggs, she asked Mommy if Mommy could hide them again and don't forget to put a special snack inside.

It's almost been a month since Bella last visited her buddy Nat. This time the girls didn't have a crying fest, but the Mommies did have to ergo both girls and walk around the house for them to fall asleep. At this play date the girls, could sit on the couch without their Mommies holding them up, but the girls did lean on each other for support.

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