Mommy was late taking Bella's picture this month. Bella turned 4 months old on Tuesday. Apparently Mommy has no concept of dates. She hardly knows what day of the week it is every since she stopped working.
Bella had her 4 month check-up with Dr. Mason on Friday. She got the same 3 shots as her last visit.
She weighs 13 pounds and 3 ounces with her clothes and diaper on. (25th percentile)
She is 25 inches tall (71st percentile)
Her head circumference is 16 inches (50th percentile)
While waiting for the doctor, Bella kept herself busy with her toes. Lately she has been grabbing for them.
She has been grasping objects like these keys.
Dr. Mason wanted to see Bella do tummy time. She happily showed him how she could hold her head up. Although she fusses when Daddy does tummy time with her.
K and Mason had another dinner date. This time at Uncle Larry's restaurant. Auntie Becca brought the kids yogurt for dessert. They had fun sipping it out of the straw.
Bella was well behaved at dinner. She must have been really tired from her shots. Uncle Ken is holding her in the corner if you can see.
Thanks Uncle Larry for the soup and fish fillet with corn. Two of K's favorite dishes.
A quick update on Bella's sleep. She has been sleeping unswaddled and using a sleep sack. Mommy put her down awake one
afternoon for a nap. Bella whined for 40 minutes, of which she cried hard
for 5 minutes and then fell asleep on her own. Every since then, she has
been put awake for bedtime too. She whines or cries for 10 minutes,
tries to suck on her fingers to self soothe and falls asleep. The last 3
nights she has slept through the night from 8:15pm-6:30am. Mommy hopes
it continues and it would be even better if she can sleep 12 hours
straight, but Mommy shouldn't be too greedy and will take what she can
get. Now Bella just needs to work on sleeping in her crib. Ironically Bella sleeps better than her older sister. K wakes up to go potty or sometimes cries out for Mommy when she can't find the stuffed animal she is sleeping with.
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