Monday, May 12, 2014

Poop Strike & 3 Year Check-Up

Bella is a baby that does not poop often. She went 12 days straight without having a bowel movement. Mommy emailed Dr. Mason to see if this was normal and he said to bring her in if she had not pooped by the weekend. At the dr visit, he inserted a suppository. Bella did not even flinch or cry. Within a minute, the poop came out. It happened so fast! Mommy will spare you the image of what came out next. Just think 12 days worth of poop stored up and how massive that could be. Here she is letting one rip. Dr. Mason said Bella may just be a baby that poops every 7-10 days which is fine, but if needed we can give her a suppository. He said she might have just had a dry spell, but she's fine.

Bella weighed in at 12 pounds and 14.5 ounces. This means she does not have to wear the insert anymore with the baby carrier, Ergo. Hooray. She measured 25.25 inches tall.

Katelyn had her 3 year check-up with Dr. Mason the following day. She got her blood pressure taken by the nurse for the first time.

At this visit, K weighed 28.4 pounds (25th percentile)

And measured 36.25 inches tall (25th percentile). No shots at this visit, but nurse Carolina said at the 4 year check-up there will be 4 shots! Dr. Mason had a talk with K and told her to go to bed earlier and no more waking up in the middle of the night or the consequences will be a time-out. She said okay. She was proud to tell him when she turned 3 years old, she does not wear diapers to sleep anymore. She does wake up to go pee once a night or a couple times has stayed dried until the morning.

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