Saturday, August 9, 2014

6 Month Check-Up

Bella had her 6 month check-up earlier this week.  Dr. Mason was on vacation, so another peditrician saw Bella. She was impressed how cooperative Bella was when she examined her.

Her stats for this appointment were:
15 pounds, 10 ounces (36%) weight
26.5 inches (75%)  height
42 cm (39%) head circumference

Bella got a round of vaccines at this visit.  Poor baby...she didn't know what hit her.

Mommy & Daddy didn't pick her up yet since she had one more shot.  Shots are never any fun.

Bella has been enjoying daycare.  Lolita will text Mommy pics during the day.  In the afternoon, Bella goes in the yard and can sit up in the car.  Lolita says Bella is very active and rolls a lot on the mat.

K is also enjoying her new classroom. They have been practicing writing different letters each day. At drop off, K showed Mommy she could write the letter, A.

She has been doing science projects.  She examined a pinecone with a magnifying glass and did an experiment to see what happens to a pinecone when it is put in a cup of water.

During art class, she and her friends made cat masks.

Her teachers made cloud dough for the kids to play with. K had fun scooping it up. Being a kid is so much fun!

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