Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Business Trip & Mason's 3rd B-day

It's been awhile since Mommy updated the blog.  She has been busy with work and the girls have been sick.  Mommy went to San Diego 2 weeks go on a business trip.  It was the first time being away from Bella.  Thank goodness for technology, Mommy face timed with K before she went to bed.

In the morning, K wanted to face time again and Bella got in on the action too.

Mommy was so happy to meet Milie for the first time. Auntie Jill drove to Mommy's hotel and the 3 had breakfast together.

Millie was really well behaved and smiled constantly.

Mason celebrated his 3rd birthday a couple weekends ago and had a fancy Thomas the Train cake.

Bella hung out with the girls her age.

Bella spent some time with her auntie and uncles too.

K is getting pretty good at writing her own name.  She likes drawing pictures of her family too.

Her favorite family member these days seems to be her little sister. It's so cute to see how affectionate these two are with each other.  Bella's face lights up in the morning when she sees K.  She will rest her head on K's lap as a sign of love.  K will shower Bella with kisses.

Bella is doing better with her balance. She can stand for long periods of time. 

She is fearless with this new found freedom of walking.  She is ready to conquer the world!

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