Thursday, May 28, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

K has a bit of OCD when it comes to having things a particular way.  One example is her bed.  She has several blankets and will fold each of them neatly on her bed and sleep in between all her blankets.  The funny thing is she won't use a blanket, but just likes to have the blankets surround her.

K still loves playing with dolls.  She has a bedtime routine for her baby doll.  She will make her go potty, listen to bed time stories, wrap the baby in the blanket, sing Rock-A- Bye Baby and then put her baby in her toy crib.  K will make a great mommy one day!

Bella has been putting her fingers in her mouth lately and touching her gums.  Could it be she is teething?  She still only has 2 bottom teeth and one top tooth.

Over the long weekend, the girls' went to Pump It Up for Allison's 6th birthday.  K loves playing with Allison and thinks of her as big sister.

Bella tried to climb up on the inflatables, but was too little.

Mommy was really surprised, but K decided on her own to climb up this tall inflatable with no help.

Allison had a fancy Little Mermaid cake.

On Memorial Day, Mommy had the idea of going on a cable car.  It was not the best idea- the line was over 1.5 hours long.  Given how impatient, Bella is these days, the girls will have to ride the cable car another day.  K did hop on a stationary "trolley" as she calls it for a quick photo op.

Since the girls were in Downtown, they shopped around Nordstrom's and got balloons.

And got Ghirardelli ice-cream as a treat.

The day ended with flying kites.  Hope everyone had a Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Tears In the Water

 Saturday morning, Mommy was craving dim sum.  K loves the baked pork buns.

Bella was just happy whenever she saw trays of food or food pushed in carts.  She couldn't contain her excitement!

There's a  funny story behind this picture of K and her friend, E from school.  Not sure if Daddy agrees it's funny, but earlier this week E asked K to Menchi's (a frozen yougurt place).

This is the conversation according to E's mom.
E: "Do you want to have a play date with me at Menchi's on Saturday?" 
K: "Yes! My Mommy does not know how to get there."  (granted K has no idea what Menchi's is)
E:  "She can follow my mom."

Mommy and Daddy did not know the two discussed and planned this outing until one morning, Mommy and Daddy dropped off K to her classroom and as they were heading out, they ran into E's mom.  E's mom told Mommy and Daddy, E has been telling his grandparent's, his brother and all his friends, K and him have a playdate at Menchi's on Saturday.  It so happened K was free on Saturday, so the two were able to meet up.  Mommy thought it was cute E had asked K and he planned their meeting place.

On Sunday Bella had her first swim lesson.  This was just a trial class since Mommy wants the girls to have a lesson at the same time.  Bella will have to wait for a spot to open up.   

She was fine when the class started with singing songs to introduce the kids.

But once it was time to go through the tunnel or go her back or when it was time to go to the teacher, she started crying.

The only thing that somewhat calmed her down was playing with some water toys.

It will take a couple more times in the water before Bella will enjoy swimming.  K cried the first few times and now loves swimming. This was the last day with Teacher S who will teaching at a different day due to her school schedule.  Her teacher said she was bummed since this was her favorite class and everyone was so cute.

After swimming, the girls celebrated Auntie Annie's birthday. They had cake and went out for Chinese food.

Bella is sick again this week.  It seems like she is sick every two weeks from daycare.  Poor baby has been so cranky and not sleeping through the night.  Also whenever Bella does not like something or does not get her way, she will burst out with tears streaming down her face and wail. 

Here's our little drama queen in action. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Mommy is very blessed to have these two in her life.  Daddy and the girls surprised Mommy with a dinner reservation on Saturday.

Often people say K is a mini me of Mommy.  Mommy can't see it. Can you?

On Mother's Day morning, K went to her swim lesson.  Bella tagged along.  She watched and pointed as she saw her big sister swim.

To warm up after swimming, the girls enjoyed some hot milk at Starbucks.

The family met up with Auntie Caroline and Grandma for lunch.  K drew a card for Grandma with flowers and trees.

For dessert, everyone went to Cream.  K was cranky since she was tired from swimming and wanted to take a nap.  Bella on the other hand was friendly and let people hold her.

The girls napped in the car and headed to Po Po and Gung Gung's house.  As always Po Po was so happy to see her grand daughters.

Bella had some fun at Tao Po's backyard.  The ball was almost as big as Bella.  She kept holding it and walked around saying, "ball, ball!"

No trip to Costco would be complete without samples.  Bella would cry and resist to sit in the shopping car initially, but once she got sight of the samples, she happily sat still while enjoying some turkey.

Friday, May 8, 2015

4 Year Old Check-up

Last weekend, the girls celebrated Emi's birthday in the Presidio.  The park was quite chilly and windy.  All the girls were bundled up. 

After the party was off to Japantown.  K and Adam had fun being silly.  K hopped and danced on one foot.

At K's 4 year check-up, she measured at 39 inches (30th percentile).   She weighed in at 29 pounds (8th percentile).  The pediatrician said K needs to consume more calories.  He suggested putting some butter on her bread, eating avocados, eating peanut butter, putting syrup on her pancakes and cooking more with olive oil.  He provided recommendations on things to eat for dinner.  Too bad K is so picky and won't eat certain foods.  Mommy told the doctor, K loves pizza.  He said that's okay.  It's cheese, tomato sauce and bread which is carbs for her.

At this appointment, she got her blood pressure taken.

She had a hearing test and had to raise her hand every time she heard a beep.

K also had a vision test.  Hopefully she inherited Mommy's good eye sight and not Daddy's.

She got to wear these funny glasses and had to stay far back to see the shapes. She passed both her vision and hearing test.

Lolita texted Mommy this picture and said, Happy Cinco De Mayo.  It doesn't look like Bella was a fan of the sombrero.

These days Bella doesn't want to be fed.  She insist on doing it herself.  She is also into screaming these days if she doesn't get want she wants  When she sees food, she will walk over to the kid table and motion for someone to help her climb onto her chair.  She's always ready to chow down!

Grandma gave K a piggy bank for her birthday.  When K does chores or does something worth rewarding, she is given a quarter or a dollar.

Here's another one of Mommy's favorite picture of the girls!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday, K!

K had a birthday party at La Petite Play house with her friends.  The playhouse had big slides to race down.  Initially K was afraid to go down by herself and would want to sit on someone's lap, but her friends convinced her it was fun and not scary.  Halfway into the party, K got over her fear and was zooming down the slides by herself.

Bella went down as well.  She sat on Daddy's lap and sat next to her buddy, Natalie.


K had a Frozen themed party.  The bakers did a great job on the cake once again.

Mommy and Daddy can't believe how fast 4 years went by!

The birthday girl, right before it was time to sing happy birthday.

Thanks to everyone who came out and helped K celebrate and for all the generous gifts!

The next day, Ashely's family and Tao Pao took K to dinner.  Of course there was birthday cake again.

The evening before K's birthday.  K lined cupcake tins, so she could bring a special snack to share with her friends at school.

On K's actual birthday, Mommy gave her a special treat.  Daddy picked up K from school and brought her to Mommy's office to have lunch.  K liked seeing all the pictures of her and the family on the wall.

Mommy's coworkers, Geneva and Layne were very thoughtful to make a sign for K.  Auntie Layne had some necklaces in her cube and let K pick one necklace to take home.  K felt so special.

Mommy went to K's school during afternoon snack to help pass out cupcakes.

That evening Gung Gung and Po Po came over and brought over a cake to celebrate again. K sure has many celebrations and knows how to party!

While K turned 4, Bella turned 15 months which meant it was time for a check-up.  Bella is traumatized of going to the doctor's office since she was getting sick so often.  Even getting on the scale makes her cry.  At 15 months, she remained 19 pounds.  She has been throwing up lately and didn't gain weight.  She is at the 15% percentile.  Dr. Mason said he was not concerned and she should gain back her weight by her next appointment.

Bella loves books.  She will shove a book in Mommy and Daddy's hands which means read it to her.  She especially loves flip books.

Moments like these melts Mommy's heart!  Mommy often catches the two sisters hugging each other.