Sunday, May 3, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday, K!

K had a birthday party at La Petite Play house with her friends.  The playhouse had big slides to race down.  Initially K was afraid to go down by herself and would want to sit on someone's lap, but her friends convinced her it was fun and not scary.  Halfway into the party, K got over her fear and was zooming down the slides by herself.

Bella went down as well.  She sat on Daddy's lap and sat next to her buddy, Natalie.


K had a Frozen themed party.  The bakers did a great job on the cake once again.

Mommy and Daddy can't believe how fast 4 years went by!

The birthday girl, right before it was time to sing happy birthday.

Thanks to everyone who came out and helped K celebrate and for all the generous gifts!

The next day, Ashely's family and Tao Pao took K to dinner.  Of course there was birthday cake again.

The evening before K's birthday.  K lined cupcake tins, so she could bring a special snack to share with her friends at school.

On K's actual birthday, Mommy gave her a special treat.  Daddy picked up K from school and brought her to Mommy's office to have lunch.  K liked seeing all the pictures of her and the family on the wall.

Mommy's coworkers, Geneva and Layne were very thoughtful to make a sign for K.  Auntie Layne had some necklaces in her cube and let K pick one necklace to take home.  K felt so special.

Mommy went to K's school during afternoon snack to help pass out cupcakes.

That evening Gung Gung and Po Po came over and brought over a cake to celebrate again. K sure has many celebrations and knows how to party!

While K turned 4, Bella turned 15 months which meant it was time for a check-up.  Bella is traumatized of going to the doctor's office since she was getting sick so often.  Even getting on the scale makes her cry.  At 15 months, she remained 19 pounds.  She has been throwing up lately and didn't gain weight.  She is at the 15% percentile.  Dr. Mason said he was not concerned and she should gain back her weight by her next appointment.

Bella loves books.  She will shove a book in Mommy and Daddy's hands which means read it to her.  She especially loves flip books.

Moments like these melts Mommy's heart!  Mommy often catches the two sisters hugging each other.

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