Thursday, June 4, 2015

So Much To Celebrate!

Friday Mommy picked up K early to go to Christian's 8th grade graduation last Friday.  Before the ceremony started, K chatted with Auntie Suzy.

She also made her way over to Josh.  Josh is such a good sport, he lets all the kids climb on him and mess with him.  K loves being around him.

Ayumi and K hit it off and shared some cherries for a snack. 

We are so proud of Christian!  We can't believe he's going to high school already.  Where did the time go?

Saturday was James' superhero party.  Can you tell how much he loves Superman by the way he is dressed?  Hes' telling everyone he is now 4 years old.  This guy is an eater according to Uncle Dan.  He weighs 40 pounds! That's 10 more than K and they are a month apart.

After the party, the girls went to Po Po and Gung Gung's house.  Auntie Stef and Uncle Jason stopped by for a visit.  K pretended to be a waiter and wrote down what people wanted to order.  This is the list of what her restaurant serves.

On Sunday was another Pump It Up party.  This time to celebrate Kyle and Emma's birthday. The cake was half Thomas and half Frozen themed. 

K always has a fun time going down the slides.

At home, the girls have fun playing inside their tent.  Bella likes going in and out of it.  K will bring blankets to sleep inside.

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