Thursday, July 9, 2015

July 4th Weekend

Auntie Becca invited the girls to the Alameda County Fair.   It was scorching hot, but the kids were able to escape the heat for a little bit doing some arts and crafts.  K and Mason made pin wheels.  Bella would not smile on command.  Daddy said she is good at mugging.

There were big cranes and tractors at the fairgrounds.  Mason and K liked to go on each of them and pretend to drive them.

Last Sunday, K earned a sticker for her back swim.  She can back swim for 38 feet.

Here's a video of her doing her up faces and paddling.

On Saturday, the girls headed to Brentwood to go strawberry picking with Po Po, Ethan, Ashley and Auntie Annie.  Bella loved to pull the berries off the stems. 

Bella spent more time eating then picking.

The strawberries were so sweet and juicy as you can see by her face.

K told Mommy, she is good at picking strawberries!

An hour into picking the berries, everyone was pretty much ready to go due to the hot weather.  The  gang ended up with 4 boxes to take home.

Sunday, the girls had lunch at Santana Row with Daddy's side of the family.  Daddy drove to the Academy of Sciences afterwards, so the girls could take a longer nap.  Most days, Mommy and the girls can be seen walking hand in hand.

 Bella loved looking at the fish.  She would giggle every time a fish swam by her.

Now that Bella has teeth, she has been getting into the routine of brushing them.  She watches her big sister and tries to copy her.

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