Friday, September 25, 2015

Party Weekend

Last weekend, the girls attended Kenzie's Red Egg Ginger Party.  She is a cutie with a full set of hair!

Bella snapped a picture with her friend, Devin at the lunch.  It's always hard to get a pic of the kids looking at the camera.

Later that day, the girls were invited to Eshaan's birthday at Safari Run.  Katelyn worked up a sweat going up and down the jungle gym and slide.  In this picture are most of the children from Katelyn's class and their siblings.

There was a toddler area, but Bella was not interested.  She wanted to play where all the big kids were.  She especially had fun going down the slide with Daddy.  Excuse the blurry pic.  It just shows how fast the descent was.

Partying continued on Sunday for Ashley's 4th birthday.   There was a big selection of desserts to chose from.

Ashley and Katelyn are not only relatives, but have become such good friends.  Two years ago, they used to fight and argue over toys and now they get along really well and have a blast whenever they see each other.

Some of the grown-ups played mah jong at Ashley's party.  Bella helped Po Po hold her tiles.  It's time to start her young.  Tao Po taught Mommy how to play mah jong when she was a kid.

After the party, the girls went grocery shopping and sat in a race car shopping cart.  The seat belt didn't work.  Katelyn wanted to hold Bella to  keep her safe.

Mommy and Katelyn baked cookies one evening.  The girls sat in front of the oven watching the cookies rise.  Good thing the oven has a cooling temperature when you stand next to it, so the girls won't feel the heat. 

Bella could not keep her eyes off the cookies!

Mommy's favorite part of the day is when she picks up Bella and Katelyn from school.  Mommy opens the doors to Bella's classroom and she comes running to her and says, Mommy!  It's the best feeling!

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