Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pre- K Officially Begins

September 1st was the official day Pre-K began at Katelyn's school.  Her teachers arranged the classroom to emulate a true first day experience to start the school year off.  Each student was sent home a picture to give to their parents.

Katelyn received a box of supplies to keep at school.  The box came with a ruler, paper, magnifying glass,  pencils and crayons.  She was excited to show Mommy and Daddy.

During the school year, the children will focus on writing sentences.  Each student also got a writing journal.

Bella does not want to sit in her high chair these days.  She wants to feel like a big girl and sit in a chair like the rest of her family.  Daddy set up her portable chair at the dinner table. 

The girls take frequent trips to the library living so close by.  Katelyn and Bella both picked a book for Daddy to read.

Bella and Katelyn walked around the city during Labor Day weekend.  Daddy bought some umbrella strollers for their upcoming vacation and wanted to see if the girls would sit in it.  Katelyn covered her eyes and said it was too bright.

The girls went to the Children's Creativity Museum at Yerba Buena Gardens for the first time.  Bella loved it especially climbing up the stairs and going down the slide over and over again.

She kept busy for 20 minutes putting these magnetic shapes on the wall.

There was some sticky material at the art table.  Bella broke it into pieces and made little balls.  The older kids around her used it to make different animals.

 K liked the foam block area.   She used the blocks to build herself this castle.

Katelyn and Bella had a blast touching a screen with colorful moving shapes.  They couldn't stop laughing together.

It's been a struggle putting her into the car seat.  She will immediately stand when she is put in.  She has been forward facing for a month already.  Mommy was hoping she would like the car seat more being able to see things, but she is still not a fan.  Most days she has to be forced in with tears streaming down her face.  What are the chances, Mommy has two girls that hate the car seat!!   Mommy keeps telling herself, her strong willed girls will be leaders when they grow up! LOL!

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