Tuesday, October 6, 2015

School Days

Bella and Katelyn's teachers provide a note describing what she does in the classroom each day.  Along with that, pictures of her are shared in iCloud which makes it easy to download.  The teachers say Bella is  focused when she does puzzles.

Her favorite activity is when Gymboree comes each week.  She doesn't look too amused in this picture, but the teachers say she always tries to run over to be the first in line to do the balance beam or the parachute.

Bella's class learned about different animals and things in the ocean.  They took turns in the sensory tub digging for shells in the sand.

Afterwards, she put the seashell next to her ear to listen for waves.

After lunch, all the kids practice brushing their teeth before taking a nap.  It looks like the children made a big mess for lunch and a lot spilled on the ground.  Looks about right, Bella is a pretty messy eater at home too. But not too worry, the mess will be all cleaned up before snack time.

Bella enjoys coloring and drawing probably since she sees big sister, Katelyn, doing it all the time at home.  The teachers say she has a 4 point grip when she holds a crayon.

Circle time is another favorite for Bella.  The teachers say she loves books and especially singing.  The teachers catch Bella singing to herself throughout the day.  She will also take a book off the shelf and plop herself down on the teacher's lap and say, "read please."

Bella hanging with the boys. She's growing into a little person which makes Mommy sad she's no longer a baby!

The teachers also say Bella is extremely active.  She goes up and down the play structure during yard time.   Mommy is exhausted chasing Bella and Katelyn and feels like she has two boys instead of two girls given how active they are. 

In Katelyn's classroom, she has been learning all about volcanoes.  The kids built a volcano out of clay.

One afternoon, the class even got  to see the volcano erupt.

Each student was asked what they wanted to be when they grow up.  Maybe it's time to sign her up for ballet classes!

The kids acted out different emotions.  Katelyn yawned to show she was tired.

This month, Katelyn is learning about Latin America during Cultural Enrichment class.  She got to dress up in pretty costumes.  She said she loved to twirl in the dress.

Mommy is a parent partner in both Katelyn and Bella's classroom which is similar to a PTA mom.  Mommy is responsible for sending out communication to parents from the teachers.  She also helps plan and set up celebrations.  The teachers asked to take a pic of Katelyn and Mommy to hang on the board.  Mommy loves to be involved with the girls' school and happy to participate.

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