Monday, November 9, 2015

Like Mother Like Daughter

The girls had a play date at Auntie Lilian's house.  Katelyn played Goldfish and War with James, Auntie Lilian and Luke.

At their house, Uncle Dan had a pull up bar.  Katelyn loved going on it and seeing how long she can hang off it with no help.  She did 38 seconds.  Hanging off the monkey bars at school really helped!

Bella wanted to get in on the action to and she held on for a few seconds.

Katelyn is just like Mommy and likes to drink hot water.   She will even request it when she's having dinner.

Bella is also like Mommy in the sense, she likes to shop at Nordstroms.   She didn't want to let go of the bag and carried it around the mall.

Last week the girls went in to the doctor's office to get their flu shots.  Here are the sisters before the shots.  Mommy will spare the picture after the shots.  Bella kept saying,  Mommy ouchie, Mommy ouchie!  Katelyn said her leg was really sore.

Kalina turned one and had her party at a playhouse.  She went to town with her smash cake!

Bella loves her baby dolls.  She will put each doll on a chair and pour tea for them.

Of all the cars at Toys R Us, the Porsche was Katelyn's favorite.  Does she have expensive taste or what?

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