Saturday, January 23, 2016

Time To Celebrate

The month of January has already kicked off with many birthday celebrations.  Mason celebrated his 4th birthday at Chuck E. Cheese.

It was the first time the girls have ever been there.  Bella had fun putting the tokens in the machine.

She played a video game and pretended she was a race car driver.

She really liked hitting the frogs that popped up with a hammer.  Khloe watched on the sidelines.

Katelyn's favorite game was catching the balls that dropped into cups.  She focused really hard to make sure to catch them.

After the party, the girls had a play date at Ashley's house.  Everyone climbed on top of Ethan.  He's so patient with these three sassy girls!

 The next day the girls celebrated Jacob's second birthday.  Here's the little man with his dad.  They look so much alike!

Jacob had his party at Noe Valley Rec Center which was a big gym filled with toys.

Bella was so happy to see Josh at the party.  When Josh went to the restroom, she asked, "Where's Josh?" She had the biggest smile on her face when he came out.  She took him by the hand and said, "C'mon Josh."  Mommy wished she got a picture of her dragging him by the hand.

Outside the rec center was a playground.  Katelyn climbed on top of the monkey bars and swung across them.

Mommy had a business trip a couple weeks ago to UCSD.  Auntie Jill and Millie came to visit Mommy at her hotel.  It was great to see them!  Millie has grown since the last time Mommy saw her and she's very affectionate.

Even though it was a short business trip, Mommy missed the girls.  Fortunately there was Face-Time.

Katelyn's classroom had a book exchange last month.  Each student was asked to bring a wrapped book to school.  In the afternoon each child got to pick a book out of the box and keep it.  Katelyn got a book from her friend, Mia and it turned out Mia got the wrapped book Katelyn brought.

Mommy filled out enrollment papers for Katelyn to start Kindergarten later this year.  Mommy can't believe how fast the time went!  Katelyn will really miss her classmates and teachers once it's time to transition.

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