New Year's Eve dinner was at Uncle Ken and Auntie Becca's house. The kids were bribed with grapes if they smiled for the camera.
Uncle Richard and Auntie Daisy had question to ask the girls and Aiden. The question was in the form of a puzzle. It's hard to read from the reflection of the light, but Katelyn and Bella's puzzles had each of the girl's name and asked if they would be a flower girl in the wedding and Aiden was asked to be a ring bearer. They all said, yes!!
Daddy is also going to part of the wedding as well.
Bella was happy to see her friends after returning from her holiday break.
During Science Lab, she looked for rocks.
Her class curriculum has been focusing on different forms of transportation and recognizing numbers after 10. Her teacher says she loves learning about rocket ships and outer space.
Katelyn got rainbow looms for Christmas and measured Bella's hand, so she could make her sister a bracelet.
Bella is already missing the snow. She put on a hat and grabbed a kitchen towel and asked Mommy to push her on her sled.