Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Celebrating Earth Day At Muir Woods

Katelyn and Bella love going to the magical playground in Palo Alto.  They have a great time going down this bumpy slide together.  Most kids like to sit on it with a piece of cardboard, but they didn't seem to mind the bumps and ridges on their bottoms.

Another favorite is this enclosed swing.

Bella looks so little compared to her older sister in it.

A kind stranger offered to take a family picture for us.

The girls took a trip to Muir Woods for the first time.  The day they went it happened to be Earth Day and National Park Week so all the park attendees got in for free!

Katelyn wanted to carry the map and follow the trail.

They found a tree stump which showed how old the tree was by the number of rings it had.

The girls wanted to run up these stairs.  Mommy had to tell them to slow down and be careful.

On the top, they found this tree whose stump had been cut off and the tree had a big hole.  Bella was surprised to find the tree looking the way it did.

Katelyn asked if she could take a picture with Mommy with the tall redwoods.  It was a fun day enjoying nature and admiring the very large trees!

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