Saturday, July 29, 2017

Hot Summer Days

 Bella no longer wants to sit on a booster.  She said, I'm a big girl now and I don't need it.

Last weekend, the girls had lunch with Aiden and Ava.  Ava is getting bigger and is able to sit up now.

 After lunch, the girls headed to the San Ramon aquatic pool.  Bella felt fearless with her life vest.

Katelyn loved going down the water slide and going into the mushroom looking water spout.

Daddy attempted to take a family selfie, but it was pretty bright and this was the best picture he could take.

Water play continued after the pool at Uncle Ken and Auntie Becca's house.  They set up the water table and the kids sprayed Daddy with water guns.

Bella's ballet school requires her hair to be in a bun each class.  Bella has very fine hair.  Mommy purchased a bun net and it has helped out tremendously along with tons of bobby pins.

Katelyn had her last gymnastics class with Teacher Allison since she has graduated from girl's intro. She hopes to have Teacher Allison again in the future.

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