Monday, March 10, 2014

Family Resemblance

Many people have said Bella looks like Gung Gung. Can you see the resemblance? Po Po couldn't find a baby pic of Gung Gung, so his current photo is used for comparison.

Bella is more alert these days and starting to notice the people around her and more aware of her environment.

When Bella was born she had a blocked tear duct. Dr. Mason prescribed her eye drops to help her tears from constantly falling.

Bella is not a fan of the stroller, but Mommy is hoping to change that. We took a family stroll around the lagoon while Bella napped in the stroller. K thew rocks in the water and made ripples.

Along the walk, cherry blossoms were in full bloom. There were white ones all over the neighborhood too.

Po Po has been our lifesaver. She stayed over for a month after Bella was born. She cooked all the meals and held Bella when Mommy ate her lunch and took a shower. She also tended to K when she woke up in the middle of the night which was a tremendous help! We are so thankful and grateful for all that Po Po does!

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