Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Happy Hallow Outting

Over the weekend, K asked to go see the puppet show at Happy Hollow.  Before the show started the girls went on the merry-go-round.  Bella took a seat with Mommy on the bench and shared it with a grandma.

Miles happened to be at the park too.  His daddy went to high school and college with Mommy.

Mommy was surprised K asked to ride the roller coaster.  She went on with Daddy.  You can only see Daddy in this picture since K is sitting on the inside.  When she got off she said, she didn't like the big drops, but she wanted Mommy to go on with her again.  The line was too long.  Maybe next time.

K also rode on the lady bug.  K has been to Happy Hollow many times, but it's pretty cool each time she discovers something new.

Bella was really intrigued by this steel ball.  She kept running over to touch it.

Bella's bottom tooth is FINALLY coming in!  That took almost 14 months.  Now she wants to put everything in her mouth as shown with this crayon.

 She still loves to eat.  She's good about eating her veggies like broccoli.

 Sometimes she likes to use both hands and two utensils when trying to feed herself.

K has been a great help when it comes to folding laundry.  She is very focused and is very particular on having neat piles.  She has become a pro folding Bella's pants.

As the girls are getting older, K is playing more with Bella.  K likes to pretend Bella is the princess.  Bella will follow her big sister where ever she goes in the house.  It's rather sweet.

Bella has major stranger and separation anxiety.  Any time someone tries to hold her, Daddy included, she will turn her head or cry.   Mommy doesn't mind...she feels loved!  The only way for someone to hold Bella is to entice her with a snack.   With food, she will be more willing to go to the person.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fleeing For Her Life

Last Friday, the girls had hot pot with Adam and his parents.  After eating a full meal, K and Adam sat on the bar stools while the daddies finished eating.

Saturday was Aidan's third birthday celebration.  The kids gathered around his Thomas the Train cake.

The girls napped in the car after the party and headed to Stanford Mall.  While shopping, Mommy saw the Easter Bunny and wanted a picture of the girls with him.  K refused to get anywhere near him.  Bella seemed fine when Daddy pointed to the bunny.   It was a different story when he placed Bella on the bunny's nap.

She was terrified of him.  She tried her hardest to break free.

She was determined to pry out of the bunnies arms!

When she managed to escape, she ran for her life.  She was pretty fast for a 13 month old!  Mommy laughed the entire time.  Daddy thought Mommy traumatized her, but even the photographer could not help but laugh.

On Sunday, the family headed to a house warming party.  Daddy's cousin purchased a house in the city.  The deck overlooked a gorgeous view.  K used binoculars for the first time.

Bella is starting to understand words.  She knows to bring her shoes when asked.   Check it out!  This girl loves to go out.  Whenever she gives her shoes, the next thing she will do is walk to the door thinking it's time to go somewhere.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Parking Lot Art Exhibit

K's classroom has been working hard on getting ready for the annual art exhibit. This year her class created a parking garage.  The design was made from cardboard.

The kids used paper towel and toilet paper rolls for their car.  K chose purple for the color of her car.

The next day she put the wheels on the car using tube lids.

The finished product was displayed for everyone to see.  Teacher W said K and 2 other students were selected to write the name of the project based on their neat penmanship.  K wrote the word "parking."

Here's a ramp for the cars to go down.  It's quite impressive how creative the teachers are.

Using the toilet paper rolls, the kids made a garage to park toy cars in.

K said, "Here's me in my car, Mommy!"

K's class also made a life size card board car to move around in.

This month in Cultural Enrichment class, K has been learning about the Spanish culture.  Teacher G had an activity for the preschoolers to make tortillas.  K made a ball of dough.

Then flattened it like a pancake.

K has been sharpening her math skills.  She can associate a digit with corresponding number of objects.

Friday is K's favorite day at school.  It's fitness class.  Mommy thinks K has a crush on coach Jesse. Her faces lights up whenever she talks about him.  When coach Jesse says hi to K in the morning, she will blush and say, "Coach Jesse said hi to me!"   This month the children are learning to play football.

K went to the dentist last week.  She happily climbed up on the chair.  What a difference a year makes.  Mommy still remembers when K would cry and wouldn't let the dentist examine her.

The dental hygienist‎ offered K sunglasses since the light would be shining bright while she got her teeth cleaned. 

Bella has fully transitioned to whole milk now which means no more nursing.  Mommy misses the bonding, but knows Bella is a big girl now.  K likes to help Bella hold her bottle.  Bella prefers drinking milk from a bottle and only takes a few sips if it's placed in a straw cup.  On the plus side, Bella has gone back to sleeping on her down and can be put down awake.  She still cries a few minutes each time, but at least Mommy doesn't have to hold her to sleep anymore! 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March Birthday Celebrations

March has started off as a busy month with many birthday celebrations.  Last week was Mommy's birthday.  Daddy and Mommy took the day off without the girls to have lunch and walk around Downtown.  In the evening the girls helped Mommy celebrate by blowing out the candles on her cake.

K has a sweet tooth when it comes to birthday cakes.

 Mommy wanted a pic of her two favorite girls looking at the camera.

Po Po, Gung Gung, Uncle Derek, Auntie Gabby, Tao Po, Ashley and her family took Mommy and Daddy out to Mayflower to celebrate.

Daddy's birthday is two days after Mommy's.  K asked Teacher W if she could make her Daddy a card for his birthday.

Uncle Ken helped Mommy set up a surprise dinner at Uncle Larry's restaurant.  Mason, Courtney, Natalie and their parents plus Auntie Andrea sang to Daddy as he turned another year older. 

Surprise number two for Daddy was a date night at Benu.  Mommy hired Teacher N to watch the girls.

Benu has a tasting menu with 16 courses.  Needless to say Mommy and Daddy were quite full after the meal.
On Saturday, the girls went to Courtney's 4th birthday party at Pump It Up.  It was their first time.  K had fun balancing on this octopus type looking ball and going down the slides.

Bella only slid down from the bottom of the slide and giggled each time.

She spent majority of the time being pushed around in the car.  She and Nat were the road warriors.

After playtime, the guests headed to the party room.  Courtney had her very own throne while everyone sang her happy birthday.

Bella loves to take Mommy's phone and pretend to talk.  The few words she is able to say are, "Hi, Bye, Go, Mama and More!"  She also likes to cover her eyes and say "Boo" for a friendly game of peek-a-boo.

Bella never ceases to be full!  Now she will hold up her empty bowl or cup to indicate she wants more.

The girls love their Daddy and have the best time horsing around with him.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

For the Love of Food

Bella continues to love to eat.  These days she wants to feed herself.  Take a peek of her spooning brown rice into her mouth. 

She tries using a fork to pick up her pears.

Daddy enjoys making kale smoothies for the family.  Bella can't get enough and always wants more.

She wants to get every last drop.

 She savors it.  Daddy, please make me more!

Auntie Gabby made the girls moon sand.  Bella liked scooping the sand, but was trying to eat it at the same time.  Good thing it's safe to eat.

Gung Gung and Po Po watched the grandkids while Mommy and Daddy went to Auntie Mariam's wedding.  Daddy said in this picture, Bella looks like Gung Gung and K looks like Po Po.

As you may know, K is infatuated with princesses.  Daddy, Mommy, Auntie Annie and Ashely went to see Disney on Ice over the weekend.  K was so excited when all the princesses skated out onto the ice.