Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fleeing For Her Life

Last Friday, the girls had hot pot with Adam and his parents.  After eating a full meal, K and Adam sat on the bar stools while the daddies finished eating.

Saturday was Aidan's third birthday celebration.  The kids gathered around his Thomas the Train cake.

The girls napped in the car after the party and headed to Stanford Mall.  While shopping, Mommy saw the Easter Bunny and wanted a picture of the girls with him.  K refused to get anywhere near him.  Bella seemed fine when Daddy pointed to the bunny.   It was a different story when he placed Bella on the bunny's nap.

She was terrified of him.  She tried her hardest to break free.

She was determined to pry out of the bunnies arms!

When she managed to escape, she ran for her life.  She was pretty fast for a 13 month old!  Mommy laughed the entire time.  Daddy thought Mommy traumatized her, but even the photographer could not help but laugh.

On Sunday, the family headed to a house warming party.  Daddy's cousin purchased a house in the city.  The deck overlooked a gorgeous view.  K used binoculars for the first time.

Bella is starting to understand words.  She knows to bring her shoes when asked.   Check it out!  This girl loves to go out.  Whenever she gives her shoes, the next thing she will do is walk to the door thinking it's time to go somewhere.

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