K's classroom has been working hard on getting ready for the annual art exhibit. This year her class created a parking garage. The design was made from cardboard.
The kids used paper towel and toilet paper rolls for their car. K chose purple for the color of her car.
The next day she put the wheels on the car using tube lids.
The finished product was displayed for everyone to see. Teacher W said K and 2 other students were selected to write the name of the project based on their neat penmanship. K wrote the word "parking."
Here's a ramp for the cars to go down. It's quite impressive how creative the teachers are.
Using the toilet paper rolls, the kids made a garage to park toy cars in.
K said, "Here's me in my car, Mommy!"
K's class also made a life size card board car to move around in.
This month in Cultural Enrichment class, K has been learning about the Spanish culture. Teacher G had an activity for the preschoolers to make tortillas. K made a ball of dough.
Then flattened it like a pancake.
K has been sharpening her math skills. She can associate a digit with corresponding number of objects.
Friday is K's favorite day at school. It's fitness class. Mommy thinks K has a crush on coach Jesse. Her faces lights up whenever she talks about him. When coach Jesse says hi to K in the morning, she will blush and say, "Coach Jesse said hi to me!" This month the children are learning to play football.
K went to the dentist last week. She happily climbed up on the chair. What a difference a year makes. Mommy still remembers when K would cry and wouldn't let the dentist examine her.
The dental hygienist offered K sunglasses since the light would be shining bright while she got her teeth cleaned.
Bella has fully transitioned to whole milk now which means no more nursing. Mommy misses the bonding, but knows Bella is a big girl now. K likes to help Bella hold her bottle. Bella prefers drinking milk from a bottle and only takes a few sips if it's placed in a straw cup. On the plus side, Bella has gone back to sleeping on her down and can be put down awake. She still cries a few minutes each time, but at least Mommy doesn't have to hold her to sleep anymore!
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