Sunday, December 27, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve was spent at Auntie Caroline & Uncle Vu's house.  The kids were spoiled with many presents.

Mommy caught Bella singing the tail end of Jingle Bells.

Since we didn't have time to bake Santa cookies, Katelyn left Santa a piece of pumpkin pie instead, along with a cup of milk and carrots for his reindeers.  Katelyn made Santa a card to wish him a Merry Christmas.  She drew a picture of him with his bag full of presents.

Christmas morning,  Mommy & Daddy opened the homemade gifts the girls made at school.  Katelyn made an ornament for the tree and Bella made a canvas painting.

Katelyn got a book for a present and wanted to share with her sister.

The girls got dressed up in matching outfits before heading to Uncle Albert & Auntie Lety's house.

The annual group picture from Mommy's side of the family.  Po Po & Gung Gung were missing.  They went to Bali, Indonesia and Hong Kong for their 40th anniversary.

The next day, the girls got together at Auntie Lilian & Uncle Dan's house for a gift exchange and dinner.  There were 4 light sabers for all the kids to play with.  Excuse the blurriness.

After dinner, Auntie Lilian played her keyboard and the kids sang, We wish you a Merry Christmas and Jingle Bells.

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