Thursday, December 24, 2015

Welcome Preston & Happy Birthday!

Two weekends ago, Auntie Stef and Uncle Jason were supposed to come over to pick up the rocking chair for baby Preston who was due to come the second week of January.  That morning at 4:00 am, Mommy got a text from Auntie Stef saying her water broke and sorry she could not come over anymore.  Baby Preston arrived later that afternoon.  Daddy, Mommy and Bella visited the cutie the next day.

Bella was really intrigued and wanted to touch the baby's fingers and head.

Katelyn didn't go to the hospital because Uncle Derek and Auntie Gabby took her to see her first movie, The Good Dinosaur.  They have been asking to take Katelyn out for special bonding time. 

After the movie, they went to eat ramen.  Auntie Gabby made up a game with chopsticks while they waited for their food.

Auntie Gabby and Uncle Derek, thanks for spending time with Katelyn! When Katelyn got home, she was so excited to tell Mommy and Daddy everything she did.  She had the best time!

Bella, Daddy and Mommy went out to dinner as well.  It's so different just having one kid, Daddy said!

Auntie Becca and Uncle Ken hosted a holiday get together.  The two and under club sat in their portable chairs for lunch.

Mason was the man of the hour.  He was surrounded by all the girls.

Here's Auntie Christine plus 8!

Later that evening, the girls went to Auntie Diane's house to celebrate Uncle Manchuek's birthday.  Auntie Michelle and Uncle Will made delicious cioppino!

Uncle Manchuek let all the kids blow out the candles on his cake. 

Katelyn earned a sticker in swimming class for her up faces.

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