Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Lemos Farm

Bella had a field trip to Lemos Farm.  Katelyn was not able to join this year due to Kindergarten. Mommy worked from home since Katelyn had a dentist appointment later in the day and was not able to go too. Daddy and Bella arrived in the morning.  The farm was not as crowded as coming on weekends.

Bella was not interested in going for a ride on the real ponies.  Now that she is older she is more aware.  Last year she had no problem sitting on the pony.  This year she preferred the fake pony.

And these stationary ones.

She was amazed how many pumpkins there were at the farm.

She went on the train ride with Daddy and took a selfie.  It was nice for Daddy to have some one on one time with Bella.

Sam celebrated her first birthday. She had a huge birthday cake decorated with Care Bears.  Each guest took home a Care Bear as a favor.  The girls love sleeping with their bear at night.

Outside of the clubhouse where the party was held, the kids ran around.  The kids got together for a group photo.

It's been awhile since Bella and Khloe have seen each other.  They had fun hanging and jumping off these rails.

After the party, the girls went to feed the ducks nearby.  They ran into Courtney and her grandparents. Daddy bought a bag of bread at CVS.  The ducks were hungry and crowded around the girls.

Later that evening they went to Ashley's house for dinner.  These three are always so silly around each other and have the best time!

Grandma was so happy the girls came for a visit and took her out to lunch the next day.

Katelyn got a new kite and wanted to try it out.  It wasn't that windy, so the kite stayed up in the air only for a few seconds.

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