Friday, October 21, 2016

Pool Party!

Last week, Katelyn and Bella were invited to Chase's birthday.  He had a pool party.  The girls were excited to use their inflatable tube.   They gave themselves a thumbs up for teamwork carrying the tube together.

Daddy is so nice to always get in the pool with the girls.  It was a cloudy day.  They were lucky to have sunshine in the afternoon.  The best part was the pool was heated.

A picture with the birthday boy and his daddy.

Katelyn's class studied apples.  They learned about the life cycle of an apple and the names of the different part like the skin, flesh, core, seeds, steam and leaf.  Each student brought in their own apple to sketch and measure.

At the end of the week, the students made apple sauce.  She gave the taste a thumbs up!

Pumpkins were spread all over the lawn at Bella's school.  Her teacher gave her a pumpkin notebook for drawing.

During school, Bella made shapes of circles and triangles connecting the rubber bands to pegs on a pumpkin.

Mommy spent a lot of time helping Katelyn transition to Kindergarten.  Bella deserved some quality time with Mommy as well.

Mommy was sick in bed with the stomach virus that Bella had the previous week.  Daddy took the girls for some frozen yogurt.

 Katelyn made this kite with her name and Bella's.  Mommy has been proud of Katelyn's penmanship, but now even more impressed by her block lettering.

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